When you look at the vast amount of language learning software and internet sites which help you acquire a new language, it can sometimes be overwhelming. If you are like me, chances are you have tried many different programs and sites and have learned a lot, but still feel somewhat inadequate when it comes to speaking the language in a confident manner. Foreign language programs are great, some more than others. This however will be a topic for another time. :) You have come a very long way and know a lot, but there is one critical piece of the puzzle missing.
Your secret weapon in language learning is simple. Your secret weapon is a native speaker. A real live person who is native to your target language. Someone that you can converse with on any level, and will allow you to have real-time conversations about real-life situations. Now, if you are learning a language that is not as common to find a "speaking partner" , then you will need to turn to sites that you can connect with people in that country through Skype. Conversation Exchange is a great site for this. http://www.conversationexchange.com/
However, you may be able to connect with someone you know that speaks the language on a face to face basis. If Spanish is your target language for example, it will be much easier to find someone who speaks it. In fact you probably know someone already! In 2009 , a survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau reported that Spanish is the primary language spoken at home by over 35.5 million people aged five or older. WOW! So, if you are one of the lucky ones who know a potential "speaking partner" it's time for you to begin the most productive phase of your foreign language adventure. Create a schedule to go have coffee with this person at least a couple of times a month. Make it a point to only converse in your target language. No English allowed! Yes, trust me, I know this is really hard!!!
Despite being uncomfortable and a little intimidated and embarrassed from time to time, you will find yourself rising from the ashes as a confident speaker, and who knows, one day you may just sound like a native yourself! Buena suerte (good luck) and Happy Learning!
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